
YMCA Case Study

As part of its targeted government relations strategy, Counsel developed and successfully implemented a broad-based and effective grass roots campaign to ensure the ongoing role of community not-for-profit child care providers as an option for the Government’s new extended-day program.

Armed with Counsel’s tools and training, the organization was able to successfully connect their advocates with Cabinet Ministers and politicians and deliver their message directly to government.

As a result of the GR campaign, Counsel helped secure several Government and Opposition champions for the sector’s position, stabilization funding for the sector, amendments to Bill 242 and regulations to ensure the ongoing role of the community not-for-profit sector through a transition period.

Our team organized training days for members, bringing together grassroots supporters and fostering real, on-the-ground action. Counsel provided advocacy guides, talking points, issue briefs, and communications collateral. We then connected advocates with key decision-makers, translating a passionate community of supporters into on-the-ground influencers.

In December 2010, the government announced its decision to include third-party child care providers as an option for extended-day programs, where they are located in schools.

The Testimonial

“Josefin is the Divi Child Theme I have been looking for. The simplicity and elegance is breathtaking. Where have you been Josefin?”

– John Smith

The Testimonial

“Josefin is the Divi Child Theme I have been looking for. The simplicity and elegance is breathtaking. Where have you been Josefin?”

– John Smith