
Amid an ongoing trade war with the U.S. and bolstered by a historic third straight majority with an increased share of the vote, Premier Doug Ford chose a cabinet of seasoned and reliable performers to weather the tariff storm. 

The ballot question in the recent election centered on who was best prepared to stand up to President Trump and lead Ontario through economic uncertainty. Ford’s Cabinet not only signals a commitment to stability and continuity but also ensures a swift start with experienced hands at the wheel in key ministries: Peter Bethlenfalvy (Finance), Caroline Mulroney (Treasury Board), Sylvia Jones (Minister of Health and Deputy Premier) and Prabmeet Sarkaria (Transportation) all remain in their key Cabinet roles. 

There was a particular emphasis on experience at key economic ministries crucial to confronting and mitigating the tariff threat. Vic Fedeli, second only to the Premier in his visibility on the tariff front, is staying on at Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade, sending a clear signal to major job creators and investors with whom he has built strong relationships. Stephen Lecce is staying as Minister of Energy with an additional mandate for overseeing Ontario’s critical minerals as Minister of Mines, with further responsibility for broadband expansion and connectivity. David Piccini will remain as Minister of Labour, Immigration and Skills Development and Kinga Surma returns as Minister of Infrastructure.  These ministers will form the core of Ontario’s economic team to help navigate the immediate challenges of economic and trade uncertainty with Canada’s southern neighbours.  

Although continuity was the primary watchword, Ford alluded to a few potential shuffles earlier in the week when he said he would get “the best players on the ice.” Notably, Paul Calandra and Todd McCarthy have been shuffled to the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks respectively. With both files presenting frequent challenges for the PCs, both will get additional attention from these trusted and talented problem solvers.  

Several caucus leaders were given notable boosts. Rob Flack, the former Minister of Agriculture and a former Associate Minister of Housing, returns to the priority Housing file as the new Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, taking over from Calandra on a file where housing affordability and supply are expected to remain hot issues. Graham McGregor is the new Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism, replacing the retired   Michael Ford. Mike Harris, former Minister of Red Tape Reduction, is given the hefty Natural Resources file. Stephen Crawford is entrusted with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement and Trevor Jones is now charged with leading the Ministry of Agriculture, both having been elevated from their prior roles as Associate Ministers.   

Zee Hamid is the only new face to the Executive Council, taking on the newly created position of Associate Minister of Auto Theft and Bail Reform. The overall Cabinet size has grown slightly to 37. 

Please see the full list of the new Ontario Executive Council below: 

MPP  Policy Area 
Bethlenfalvy, Hon. Peter  Minister of Finance 
Calandra, Hon. Paul  Minister of Education 
Cho, Hon. Raymond Sung Joon  Minister of Seniors and Accessibility 
Cho, Hon. Stan  Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming 
Crawford, Hon. Stephen  Minister of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement 
Downey, Hon. Doug  Attorney General 
Dunlop, Hon. Jill  Minister of Emergency Preparedness and Response 
Fedeli, Hon. Victor  Minister of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade 
Flack, Hon. Rob  Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 
Ford, Hon. Doug  Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs 
Ford, Hon. Doug  Premier 
Hamid, Hon. Zee  Associate Minister of Auto Theft and Bail Reform 
Harris, Hon. Mike  Minister of Natural Resources 
Holland, Hon. Kevin  Associate Minister of Forestry and Forest Products 
Jones, Hon. Sylvia  Minister of Health 
Jones, Hon. Sylvia  Deputy Premier 
Jones, Hon. Trevor  Minister of Agriculture, Food and Agribusiness 
Kerzner, Hon. Michael S.  Solicitor General 
Khanjin, Hon. Andrea  Minister of Red Tape Reduction 
Kusendova-Bashta, Hon. Natalia  Minister of Long-Term Care 
Lecce, Hon. Stephen  Minister of Energy and Mines 
Lumsden, Hon. Neil  Minister of Sport 
McCarthy, Hon. Todd J.  Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 
McGregor, Hon. Graham  Minister of Citizenship and Multiculturalism 
Mulroney, Hon. Caroline  Minister of Francophone Affairs 
Mulroney, Hon. Caroline  President of the Treasury Board 
Oosterhoff, Hon. Sam  Associate Minister of Energy-Intensive Industries 
Parsa, Hon. Michael  Minister of Children, Community and Social Services 
Piccini, Hon. David  Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development 
Pirie, Hon. George  Minister of Northern Economic Development and Growth 
Quinn, Hon. Nolan  Minister of Colleges, Universities, Research Excellence and Security 
Rickford, Hon. Greg  Minister of Indigenous Affairs and First Nations Economic Reconciliation and the Minister for Ring of Fire Economic and Community Partnerships 
Sarkaria, Hon. Prabmeet Singh  Minister of Transportation 
Smith, Hon. Graydon  Associate Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing 
Surma, Hon. Kinga  Minister of Infrastructure 
Tangri, Hon. Nina  Associate Minister of Small Business 
Thanigasalam, Hon. Vijay  Associate Minister of Mental Health and Addictions 
Thompson, Hon. Lisa M.  Minister of Rural Affairs 
Tibollo, Hon. Michael A.  Associate Attorney General 
Williams, Hon. Charmaine A.  Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity 

Counsel continues to monitor the fallout from the 2025 Ontario provincial election and the unfolding economic uncertainty. Our team is ready to advise your business or organization on your advocacy goals with the PC Party Government in Ontario.    

Stay tuned for additional insights on the return of the Legislature and the Throne Speech on April 15.