Toronto, Peel and Ottawa Regions Move to “Modified Stage 2,”  Further Business Support from Federal and Ontario Governments

Toronto, Peel and Ottawa Regions Move to “Modified Stage 2,” Further Business Support from Federal and Ontario Governments

Ontario announced 939 new positive COVID-19 cases today, its highest daily case count to date. This comes as the province conducted over 44,900 tests and as they continue to ramp up testing across Ontario, in the face of a significant backlog and limited contact...
Toronto, Peel and Ottawa Regions Move to “Modified Stage 2,”  Further Business Support from Federal and Ontario Governments

Ontario Responds as Cases Grow in Hotspot Regions

Introduction of Reduced Social Gathering Limits for Hotspot Regions Today, the Ontario government announced it is reducing social gathering limits in Toronto, Peel, and Ottawa to combat the recent spike in cases in these regions. Effective tomorrow, September 18, 2020...
Toronto, Peel and Ottawa Regions Move to “Modified Stage 2,”  Further Business Support from Federal and Ontario Governments

COVID-19 Update | Mandatory Masks in Ontario Communities

July 7, 2020 Good morning, Local medical officers of health have the authority to implement mandatory face mask policies in their regions under Section 22 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act. In lieu of a province-wide regulation, some municipalities across...
2018 Ontario Election: Ridings to Watch | Toronto

2018 Ontario Election: Ridings to Watch | Toronto

May 8, 2018 – With the writ about to drop, this is our final installment of Ridings to Watch. We’re taking a closer look at the tightest races among the 25 seats that make up Toronto, Canada’s largest city and the capital of Ontario. Toronto Hogtown. The Big...